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BARTER - The term Barter (Countertrade) means exchanging goods or services, in whole or a part of it, with other goods or maybe even services rather than using money. borrowing from a bank. ( read more about Countertrade )

Studies by the U.S. government, United Nations, and other independent organizations estimate that countertrade represents somewhere between 15% and 20% of all world trade.

Trade is the exchange of goods for money or the exchange of goods for goods at market value. You have the goods you need to sell to buy the goods you need, you may have a problem with selling your goods and getting the money to buy the goods you need. On the other hand, someone needs your goods but has no money to pay for it and can only pay for it with other goods. This trading hub allows you to exchange goods for goods. Bid, you never know. Fill out the form below, give a description of your goods, and what you want for them to receive in the same value, maybe partially ..

Post your Barter Offer


Enter below all the necessary details of your goods: (a) Specification (b) Description of goods and packaging (c) Delivery time (d) Country of origin and any other information that will serve the potential buyer.


Enter below all the necessary details of the goods that you wish to exchange for your goods: (a) Specification (b) Description of goods and packaging (c) Delivery time (d) Country of origin and any other information that will serve the potential partner.

Thanks for submitting!

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